
How to grow followers on instagram with Content

As in fashion, in love, at work and in many other areas of our lives, the important thing is  quality more than quantity . Your  content is everything  once you've created your profile and you have identified your warmth Instagram, referring to the pictures or your video quality has nothing to do with the image itself only quality, sharpness, brightness, symmetry, presentation, concentration. Quality is also about  choosing your most beautiful photos , ones that convey a message, an emotion or that invites the imagination because they translate something to the viewer. What anyone who looks at your profile will see are the last nine photos you posted, always make them valuable. They are the ones who will hook up a potential new follower. Choose the best  photo  it’s not just about publishing where you look good, you also need to look after the environment, look for the best place to be. If you appear accompanied in the photo,  take care of the details  that